The Complete Guide to
You Can Adopt This Year
Adoption law is complicated, challenging, and requires the dedication of an experienced adoption professional. My adoption services law firm, by exclusively providing adoption services similar to an adoption agency, is dedicated to guiding expectant and adoptive parents in giving the gift of family to a child.
“Begin with the end in mind.”
~Stephen Covey
What does that mean in the adoption world? It means that you start with a clear vision of your desired outcome and work until it is a reality. Because you have decided to grow your family through adoption, this guide is an excellent first step in your adoption journey.
I see this guide giving you a comprehensive look at 1) Who the Adoption Professionals are, 2) Which type of adoption is right for you, 3) What the Adoption Process is, and 4) Why you need an adoption attorney.
Kansas has very favorable adoption laws, making adopting in Kansas straightforward for an experienced adoption professional. I began practicing law eight years ago, focusing my practice on adoption and adoption-related matters, and in that time, I have finalized over 200 adoptions all over the state. In addition, for the past four years, I have served as a member of the Kansas Judicial Council Adoption Law Committee. This group of mostly adoption attorneys has met to work and re-work our state's adoption laws so families can achieve their dream of adoption.
Once you understand the process, you will be able to minimize the waiting time and finalize your adoption within a 12-month time frame. Of course, it all depends on you, so without further ado…
Let’s get started.
The Complete Guide to Adoption in Kansas
What You Will Learn.
01/ The Adoption Professionals
Step One: Assembling Your Adoption Team
Whether you decide to use an adoption consultant, adoption agency, or adoption attorney, each should be able to tell you what you can expect from their service and what they, in turn, expect from you.
02/ Types of Adoption
Step Two: Learn about the different types of adoption.
When thinking about adoption, the universal image is a swaddled newborn arriving home from the hospital. However, there are many more avenues to building a family than this one. While the premise of adoption, creating a legal parent-child relationship between two people, is the same, this chapter will talk about 13 types of adoption, or in other words, what kind of parent-child relationship is being formed.
03/ The Adoption Process
Step Three: Learn the process… or Knowledge is Power
Now that you know the who’s and what’s about adoption, let’s look at the Kansas adoption process. Practically speaking, being mentally prepared for what can seem like a very long slog with no end in sight will help you be ready to go step by step through the process. Adoption is not easy, but going in with the right state of mind can make it less daunting.
04/ You Adoption Attorney
Step Four: Having an experienced adoption attorney is essential
When you are considering adoption, your best guide is your adoption attorney. Your attorney should understand the complex legal requirements, answer your questions, ensure your legal rights are protected and provide support throughout the process.
Foster Care Adoption in Kansas
What do you imagine when you dream of your adoption? If you think of holding a newborn in your arms, then domestic infant adoption could be a better route. If, on the other hand, you think of welcoming an older child or a sibling set into your home and family, then Kansas foster care adoption might be a great option.
International Adoption in Kansas
There are millions of children around the world waiting for a family through adoption. The scope and gravity of this need may spur you to action — to grow your family through international adoption in Kansas. Adoption wasn’t always on the front of your mind, but now, it seems like the best family-building option for you. Family is more than biology; it’s love. International adoption in Kansas could be the way to begin your next chapter as a family.
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC)
ICPC is a legal agreement that facilitates cooperation among all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in interstate adoption placements. The ICPC was drafted and enacted in the early 1960s to ensure all children placed across state lines go to safe and suitable homes. Each state must approve the ICPC paperwork and adoption placement before the baby can be taken out of the sending state to the adoptive family’s home.
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a federal law that was enacted in 1978, at a time when a disproportionate number of Indian children were being removed from their homes and placed with non-Native adoptive and foster families. Today, ICWA continues to preserve Native American families, tribes and culture by governing foster and adoptive placements of American Indian children.
How to Spot an Adoption Scam
Using a qualified and experienced attorney has many benefits but one of the most important benefits is being able to recognize an adoption scam. Unfortunately, this is a reality, and if not caught quickly, can be not only hard on your bank account, but it can also be hard on your emotions. One resource available to many adoption attorneys is an ongoing listserv that posts known adoption scammers from all over the country.
I chose to focus my practice on adoption because I have a personal connection. I was adopted as an infant and am now in a place to give back some of what has been given to me. As an adult, I can look back and see all of the opportunities afforded me by my parents and can only hope to help others create the same love-filled life for themselves.
You are ready to adopt.
I am ready to make it happen.

Let’s get started.
To get started on your adoption journey, I am making you an offer that I don’t think you can refuse.
Sign up today to be added to the Waiting Families list with my office and I will gift you a custom-designed Adoption Profile.