Frequently asked questions.
This is an exciting time but it is also a time where you have a lot of questions. We will answer the questions that you have thought of and the ones you haven’t. It is always best to work with an experience adoption professional when beginning your adoption journey.
What does it cost to adopt a baby?
In a couple of words…it depends. Because no two adoptions are exactly the same, the cost can range between $10,000 and $50,000. This large gap hinges on things like, the state you or the birth mother lives in, the birth mother’s living expenses, medical bills, whether you are using an adoption agency, travel costs. One thing that will happen here is that a budget will be put together for every birth mother that we work with so costs can be anticipated and managed as much as possible. There are companies out there that help to defray the cost of an adoption and we can help you work with them to make growing your family a possibility.
How do I find a birth mother?
Adoption agencies are the most common, and typically the most expensive, way to get matched up with a birth mother. However, networking has proven to be a real viable way to increase the likelihood of finding a birth mother. Telling everyone you know that you are wanting to adopt and getting on social media with your adoption profile also greatly increases your exposure to potential matches.
If you already have a birth mother that you are working with, an adoption attorney can help you finalize an independent adoption. An important factor to minimize your wait time is to know what adoption situations you are open to and being able to be flexible.
How long does it take to adopt a baby?
The most time consuming part is finding an adoption situation that you and the birth mother are both comfortable with. The final decision on a match belongs to the birth mother, it is a good idea for the adoptive family to also formulate an adoption plan based on your family’s preferences. Things to consider include:
race of the child
medical background of the birth family
substance use
continued contact/openness of adoption
What happens if the birth mother changes her mind?
While the laws are different from state to state, in Kansas a birth mother’s consent can be obtain 12 hours following the birth of the child. If the father is known and in agreement with the adoption, his consent can be obtained before the birth.In any case, once the consent it signed, it is irrevocable without a showing to the court that it was not free and voluntary.
Click on a title below to learn more.
The Adoption Process - How to Adopt a Child to a New Family
Three Requirements to Get Started with Adoption
Top Six Adoption Services and Where to Find Them
Do I need an Agency for Adoption?
All Things Home Study
How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child?